Friday, September 21, 2012


This just baffles me.  I know sometimes large bird flocks (in this case European Starlings in video 1, Blackbirds in video 2) fly together in these organically transforming shapes to ward off predators, but other times, is it just....for fun?  Like the pretend synchronized swimming performances me and my sister used to do in my grandma's pool.  Except with millions of performers and in perfect, improvised form.  FUN!  
So, fish and any land animals do this?  Or, is the pattern creation completely dependent on the fluid-like essence of air and water?  It's just baffling!  And so freakin impressive!  There have been studies done with fish...and the results were that they are highly sensitive to water flow and can sense the push of water from the lead fishes' tail.  Yes, I can totally accept that as an answer,'s still so baffling!  There are simple questions like, Where are they going!? and WHY!?  and HOW?! uggghhhhh I can't take it!  But then I can because it's just so goddamn pretty... 

My living room/dining room/kitchen (New York apartments...sigh) is FULL of my paintings of birds.  And recently, someone came over and mentioned it.  "Oh, so you really like, that's what you paint..."  And I got kinda defensive and said "Pshhhh no! That's know, what's know, I sell stuff....sometimes...not, tons, but....birds, ha, no...sort of....mammals are better!"  smooooooth.

Birds are OK, but they're way creepy and bony and too prehistoric to relate to.  They blink and walk too fast, they seem smart but act too impulsively, their beaks and claws are threatening and their eyes--blank and evil.

That being said, I can't stop painting them.  I'm just constantly in awe of the things they do.  They got me in their creepy little trap and I can't get leave or they'll peck out my eyes!  But yes, it's true, birds are amazing.  Maybe the first step is admitting it.  

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